Lazy Hazy Day
Your Habitual Pace
Far too many of us forget to pace ourselves. We buy into our cultural myth that “time is money,” that anything other than a focus on constant productivity is “wasting time.” The result, accumulated over years and decades of our lives, are a host of stress-mediated illnesses, including sleep disturbances, chronic headaches, depression, high blood pressure, digestive distress, anxiety, and relationship conflicts, let alone a loss of joy in our day-to-day lives.
The saying goes, Hope Springs Eternal, and we are now entering another spring. Is this the year that you can restore hope is a more enjoyable life, a day less fraught with the stresses and strains of chronic over-extension, of forever raising the bar of expectations on ourselves and others, and of becoming more disconnected from life’s simple pleasures?
Getting there Faster by Going Slow
This short video serves as a reminder that sometimes - and probably more often than we realize - pacing ourselves, slowing down, noticing more, and rushing less are, paradoxically associated with greater productivity with much less distress. By focusing more on what is unfolding now, and not on yesterday’s events or concerns about tomorrow’s possibilities, we bring the fullness of our mind’s resources to bear on what is available to act upon, right here at our fingertips. In short, we attend to the one space where we can actually make an impact: the present moment.
So, allow yourself to be present to the moments of this brief video to slow down, take a deep breath, and pause, at least for a while, as you join these turtles enjoying a lazy, hazy day.
There’s always time to pause and catch our breath.