For more than 30 years, working with thousands of clients, attending to tens of thousands of health-related concerns, there is one constant. Health is a function of repeating rhythms. When they are in sync: when the rhythms of the body are in sync with the passions of the heart, when the workings of the mind and brain are in sync with the actions we take and the dreams we pursue in our days, in the main, people feel healthy.
And, when those rhythms are misaligned, when conflicts abound, when fear displaces desire, when hope gives way to doubt and despair, distress grows, as does the risk of illness or “dis-ease.”
One of the oldest medicines we know involves re-immersing ourselves in nature’s rhythms. Those ancient rhythms still pulse within us. Hormone secretion, brain-cleansing cycles, heart-rate variability and related cardiac patterns, metabolic efficiency, immune system efficiency, and more, are attuned to nature’s rhythms.
Nature’s Rhythms, a feature of my health and wellness offerings (, reflects my intention to bring you resources to help realign your days and nights with nature’s healing rhythms. Step inside. Learn to reconnect with your most ancient rhythms as you learn to feel refreshed, restored, rejuvenated, and re-aligned with your most authentic self in pursuit of your hopes and dreams.
For appointments, call: 612-930-2423 or contact me at my main website: