Nature’s Rhythms
Perpetual cycles of dawn and dusk, mornings and evenings, of light and dark: nature’s rhythms.
Nature is defined by repeating rhythms. Days, lunar cycles, seasons, and years. We evolved in intimate synchrony with these repeating rhythms. Our sleep/wake cycle is attuned to the daily cycles of light and dark, of the coming and going of the sun and moon and stars. When we are in sync with nature’s rhythms, our health status improves. When we ignore these rhythms, our health suffers.
The photos and videos in the Nature’s Rhythms section of Nature’s Medicine focuses on reconnecting you with these perpetual rhythms. The goal is to provide you an easy, portable, and accessible way to reconnect with your deepest and oldest rhythms to support your efforts to improve and enhance your health and well-being.
I hope you enjoy Nature’s Rhythms.