Learning from Our “Cell-ves” Practice

Our Cell(ves) have much to teach us about ourselves

Our Cell(ves) have much to teach us about ourselves

The Rules of Life

Sometimes, we learn by looking ahead to what hasn’t yet been discovered. At other times, we learn (or re-learn) by looking to the past. When it comes to learning to live life fully, it is important not to overlook the four basic rules of life that first came into existence 2-4 billion years ago! One of the earliest forms of life is the cell. You and I are constructed out of approximately 30-trillion cells, all working together, and all sharing four basic functions. These functions take place across the cell membrane surrounding each cell. In short, the key to life is what happens at the junction between our inner world and the world around us.

Those four functions are:

  1. You are not an island. Sometimes you have to take in what you need from the world outside yourself.

  2. Over time, what you carry around inside you is no longer serving you. Therefore, you need to release what is no longer supportive of your health and well-being.

  3. Not everything around us is good for us. Some things (or people) are actually toxic to our good health. Therefore, setting firm boundaries to keep out what is harmful is essential to good health.

  4. Not everything inside of us is to be shared. Some aspects of our inner being are so precious we do well to not “give ourselves” away too easily.

Cells do this tens of thousands of times per second. We do better when we learn from these ancient functions and discover how to apply them in our day-to-day lives.

Learning from Our Cells (or Our Cellves)

Many of the clients I see have found it enormously helpful to reflect how the four cellular functions I described apply to their lives. We take time, through discussion, through hypnosis, and through other approaches, to discover how they need to learn

  1. What do you need that you don’t have and can’t provide for yourself?

  2. What do you carry that it is time to release (e.g., anger, bitterness, resentment, trauma)?

  3. Where do you need to set firmer boundaries to protect yourself from people or situations that ultimately harm your health?

  4. Where do you need to set firmer boundaries to protect yourself from giving away too much in a way that leaves you too depleted?

Perhaps this practice can help you to recognize what you can learn from your cells?

The Practice

In this 15-minute guided practice, you’ll have a chance to deeply explore your inner and outer boundaries. The practice is derived from what your body’s cells already know how to do but which we too often overlook. Set aside 15 -minutes of uninterrupted time to do this guided practice. Prepare a journal or a few sheets of paper to jot down your thoughts and feelings when you are finished. Get ready to settle in as you prepare to “learn from your "cellves” for a better and richer tomorrow.


A Morning Walk in the Fog


The Disappearing Ink Practice